Sri Suktam is a difficult Sadhana, attempted by seasoned Sadhakas only once they have built discipline and stamina with other sadhanas. Going by the traditional route, one must follow a strict nitya karma (daily routine) for 960 days before doing a full-fledged 16-day Sri Suktam Sadhana.
These 960-days are a period of thorough preparation. Just as a farmer prepares the field by ploughing the land to loosen and aerate the soil, a sadhaka invests nearly three years in Sri Suktam Sadhana preparation.Â
But what happens if an expert invites you to sow the seed in a land which has already been prepared? Doing Sri Suktam Sadhana with an awakened master is like that. With their enormous experience and penance, a realised Guru can simplify the Sadhana process and make it more effective for the Sadhakas.Â
This is precisely the biggest benefit of doing Sri Suktam Sadhana on the Sadhana app under the guidance of Om Swami, an accomplished Sri Vidya practitioner. Over three decades of his life, Swami ji has practiced several sadhanas meditated in the Himalayas and awakened many mantras.
Doing Sri Suktam Sadhana under his guidance this Diwali is a golden opportunity to grow your sadhana seedling in a ground already prepared by him. With your efforts, you can then nourish this plant into a vibrant tree.Â
In the 17-day Sadhana (from 1 Nov to 17-Nov.) beginning on Diwali you will perform the Sri Suktam yagna every morning alongside Om Swami. The yagna programme will be streamed live from Sri Badrika Ashram at 5.15 am IST.
In addition to the invaluable guidance of a realised master, Sri Suktam Sadhana on the app is also extremely simple to follow.
We have leveraged technology to simplify ancient rituals and Sadhanas. It is especially beneficial if you are newcomer embarking on the path of sadhana. Sadhana app holds your hand through the tricky sadhana steps, providing guidance and making you self-reliant on this path.
In Sri Suktam Sadhana, you can chant the mantras by listening to them in Swami ji’s voice. Similarly, you will perform the daily yagna under Swami ji’s guidance without worrying about the physical ingredients and the correct order of steps.Â
In Sadhana there is one very crucial offering —your devotion. By taking care of sadhana nitty-gritties, the Sadhana app allows you to immerse yourself in your practice with single-pinted concentration. The idea of making offerings in the mind is one of the most profound ideas given by ancient sages.
Through their intense tapas, our seers realised that internalising rituals and ceremonies could help them build an intimate connection with their Ishta. One of the most difficult sadhanas in Tantra is the Khand Mand Yoga, where a Sadhak offers his body parts to the deity. We have all heard how the Asura King Ravana offered his head many times to seek boons and blessings from Lord Brahma.
The important thing to note here is that such offering was not actual but mental or Manasik.Â
The world offers numerous distractions. Our mind is quickly drawn to them. We grow spiritually only by turning inwards. While performing the Sri Suktam Sadhana on the Sadhana app, you can completely focus on your parctice (as we take care of the rest) and benefit from the guidance of a realised master, which makes it vastly more effective/potent than physical sadhana.Â