In this blog post, you will learn why the Mahashivratri event at Sri Badrika Ashram is unique.
shivaya vishnu rupaya, vishnave shivrupine |
yathantaram na pashyami ten tau dishtah shivam ||
—Mahabharata, Harivamsha Parva: 2.125.29
(Shiva is in the form of Vishnu and Vishnu is in the form of Shiva. There is no difference between them; both provide auspiciousness.)
Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are different aspects of the same Supreme Brahman, just known by different names. During Mahashivratri, it is the combined form of Lord Shiva and Sri Vishnu that is worshipped and celebrated at Sri Badrika Ashram.
Scriptures show us that Sri Vishnu and Lord Shiva are each other’s biggest devotees. In numerous places, they identify as one. The very essence of Vishnu Sahasranama is captured in the lines spoken by Lord Shiva to Devi Parvati,
‘Sri ram ram rameti rame rame manorame |
sahasranama tat tulyaṃ ramanama varanane ||’
(Rama nama is as great as the thousand names of God (Vishnu Sahasranama). By meditating on the name of Rama, my mind gets absorbed in the Divine consciousness of Rama, which is transcendental.’)
Rudrabhishekam at Sri Badrika Ashram: A Rare Ritual
On Mahashivratri, it is this powerful aspect of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva—Harihara—that devotees behold when Swami ji performs Rudrabhishekam on the Vigraha of Sri Hari. The Hari Hara Swarupa emerges gradually as the Sri Hari (Lord Vishnu) Vigraha is given a ceremonial bath with panchamrit, turmeric, vermillion, and Vibhuti (sacred ash) with the potent chant of Sri Rudram in the backdrop. It is a spectacle to witness when, with every abhishekam offering, the smiling countenance of Sri Hari transforms into Mahayogi Shiva. Sri Hari’s crown turns to matted locks with ash-smeared rudraksha beads. The devotees can witness the majestic form of Lord Mahadeva with Bhasma (sacred ash) on the left and the turmeric-smeared (Pitambar anga) Lord Mahavishnu on the right side of the vigraha.
At the Rudrabhishekam event, you’ll witness and experience that there is no difference between one form of God and the other. With our limited wisdom, we have created these differences and a limited idea of God.
Upanishads say, ‘Ekam sat vipra bhauda vadanti’ (That which exists is One; the wise call it by different names or perceive it variously). This concept is the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma.
Join us in the Celebrations!
Come, witness, and worship the powerful Harihara Swaroopa during the Rudrabhishekam event at Sri Badrika Ashram on Mahashivratri. The programme will be streamed live on the Sadhana App on Feb. 26, 2025 at 6.30 p.m. (IST).
Most importantly, you will be able to perform Rudrabhishekam on the app just as Swami ji is doing it at the ashram. Don’t let this divine blessing slip away.